Don’t be Selfish
I know we are some of us are selfish and we don't think about others, I am speaking to this ongoing pandemic if you care to read.
I know some of us do not believe the SARS Cov-2 is in Nigeria and we think it is another way of government embezzling money, but if you must be selfish let us do it in a way that we all think about our future, our own prosperity.
Can you please obey the government, wear a mask, maintain physical distancing and practice personal hygiene especially handwashing. If you do not want to do it for yourself at least do it for the sake of others, the vulnerable amongst us, the elderly.
You may also think it is the disease of the rich, anyways you are wrong but just let us say you are right and don't cone for me because of this explanation am about to make for I know wealth is not evenly distributed and the rich are getting richer and poor getting poorer but if the rich keep dying because of covid as you think, you know they still got the wealth of the nation in their hand and they may also matter in our economic prosperity for the good part of them that we know.
Okay, away from the rich, do you also know some of us who are still young do contract this virus, at least I can say this with some personal information, and when some do contract it they do not manifest symptoms because of that we think we can still go all out without protecting ourselves, hey! If you need not protect yourself, kindly do it for others.
Are we ready for second lockdown amidst this multidimensional poverty, recession, insecurity, bad leadership. This is like one the most difficult period to be a Nigerian but there is light at the end of the tunnel if we must all take responsibility.
For me I think we need a new approach in mitigating the effect of Covid-19, the government need to start looking beyond this top to bottom approach being coordinated by PTF and NCDC, let the real fight against Covid-19 starts from the community level. the LGAs in Nigeria need to be mobilized with funds from the federal and private sector collaboration, empowered, strengthened and take leadership with the health care officers at each wards of the entire Primary Health Care of this country, through their Medical Officers of Health, let them start engaging the community members, understanding where they are at the moment and use the level of education of each communicate to communicate what Covid-19 is about and build effect risk communication strategy that works.
This is not just a pandemic, it is a global crisis that is affecting every part of our social, economic, peace and prosperity which will continue to be a hinderance in achieving the sustainable development for all.