Just Do It
This month I have got only three words for you, JUST DO IT!
There are thousand excuses for failure but never a good reason. – Mark Twain
As I woke up this morning, said my prayers and my daily routine of speaking to myself, I flashed back to how the year started as today is the first day of a new month.
First why do I have to speak to myself, truth be told sometimes the only good thing you will hear about yourself are the things you say to yourself, and it is also an important way of keeping your self-esteem and self-motivation going.
I started this year enrolling for a course on epidemiology, because of my WHY’s, do you know your WHY’s? if not I encourage you to take the WHY TEST.
During the third week of that course, I became overwhelmed and I just wanted to quit because I did not find it easy, but then easy is not an option, I told myself, JUST DO IT. That particular week came with the first written assignment and group discussion, I dug into one my experience in the past to answer the question and contributed in the group discussion. Usually we get graded the following week, guess what, I had 10/10. Boom! I became more motivated to get going.
I discovered that you can achieve almost any goal you set for yourself if you have the discipline to pay the price, to do what you need to do, and never give up. The development of self-discipline is the high road that makes everything possible for you.
Lesson: Each time you discipline yourself to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not, your self-esteem increases.
This is what has happened to me since that third week, I started taking my epidemiology course more seriously, my self believes increased and I had never submitted my assignment late but rather I have been completing my weekly course reading in due time.
That also takes me to one question someone asked me why am taking the course, I said, it is not always about what you are getting paid at your job, it is what you become.
As Brian Tracy said, it is not the material things you accomplish or acquire that matter so much as it is the quality of the person you must become to accomplish well above the average.
In other for you to accomplish well above the average person you must to motivated to JUST DO IT.