My Time travel Experience
Today I had a time travelled back to Real analysis class during my year 2 as a Physics undergraduate at Lagos State University, I found myself in one of the class for few moment while attending another training in the presence, thank God I was not lost back in time.
You don't want to know what took me back in time, I came back and then realized how important some of the course as a Physics students are so important and still very relevant in the IT world today, especially in software development and programming space.
Just so you know I was a graduate of Physics, the fact that I found myself in Community Development space for a decade or more is anotheer interesting story for another day and why won’t I, when Physics is the very foundation of all science and innovation. We used to joke arounding creation at a younger age that when God created the world He said, “Let there be light” and that Physics.
Don’t you even think education is irrelevant, more than ever before the world now needs us more to learn a new skill daily to be able to compete at a very top level at this era we found ourselves. The more you think about artificial intelligence, internet of things and what data scientist effect can be in innovative industries and future of works and globalization, it’s a thing to think of your role and mine in that new world.
Never forget your role in that new world, the world we desire is within our reach, picture it and live in it but horn your skill so that you can say the same thing Isaac Newton said, “If I have found a little further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giant”.