Snack for Thought School Feeding Initiative by Lagos State Governor
This week I volunteered for the Snack for Thought school feeding project launched as a pilot project by the executive governor of Lagos State @jidesanwoolu through the office of Civic Engagement and SDGs in Lagos State at Lagos Island across 32 Primary school.
The office of the SDGs requested for a feedback but I decided to do a video, am happy to hear that the special adviser saw my video and asked that it should be uploaded to their social media but here is the link to watch the video on my YouTube channel
The governor expectation for the projects are:
1. Reduction in social menaces and potential security threats to the entire THEMES development agenda.
2. Increase enrolment punctuality, academic performance, retention and progression of pupil to post primary schools.
3. Creating responsible citizens for sustainable development.
4. Improve dietary diversity and nutritional status of school children.
5. Achieving social re-engineering which is strategic for nation building where the less hungry children = less angry youths.
Basically why I volunteered is basically to learn more about the underprivileged children, health challenges, and quality of education in our Basic schools and how as a citizen and Development expert come of with solutions to enable Sustainable Development of our schools.